The Duck

Introducing Roca’s playful corporate mascot

The Challenge
Remember how fun it was to splash around in the bathtub with those little rubber ducks? We do too, so when Roca asked us to create a corporate mascot to boost a sense of community and belonging among its expanding workforce we just knew. We got down to work with Javier Mariscal, the beloved designer behind Barcelona 1992’s Olympic mascot, and created the star of Roca’s brand new employee engagement program: The Duck.
A duck is born
2017 was a great year for Roca, the global leader in bathroom solutions. The company celebrated its 100th anniversary with a series of events that culminated in a sensational gala at Barcelona’s landmark National Art Museum. It was the perfect occasion to introduce Roca’s newest member: “A duck is born” hit the headlines and each of the 600+ VIP guests took home a bronze replica as a keepsake.
Ducks everywhere
Adopted by the Board from the get-go, the Duck starred in the 2017 Roca Group annual report, became the face of Roca’s Corporate University and was installed at the entrance of offices and factories worldwide in 1.5m replicas. An international team of Roca employees were trained as “Duck Correspondents” and we developed a wealth of merchandise including an online game, posters, miniatures and Christmas postcards to spread the Duck’s cheerful spirit across the entire company.
“A character you can’t forget once you see it ”
Javier Mariscal
The goal
To drive up employee engagement and mark the next stage of Roca Group’s corporate culture after a period of rapid expansion with an internal communications program fueled by a lovable mascot.
Campaigns reached over 90% of the audience, with a participation rate that surpassed expectations

Great acceptance by the Board and employees across the Group

Refreshed internal communications style, warm and enthusiastic
“A success even
greater than expected”
Ramon Asensio, former CEO of Roca Group
International awards
International Business Award 2019 – Silver – Communications
Campaign of the Year – Internal Communications
Questar Award 2019 – Bronze – Corporations: Internal Communications category
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